وهيب نديم وهبة – حُلْمٌ


وهيب نديم وهبة
Waheeb Nadeem Wahbah


كَانَ رَسُولُ ﭐلْعِطْرِ،
رَائِحَةُ جَسَدِكِ ﭐلْعَائِدِ، بِالنَّرْجِسِ،
مِنْ مَشَارِفِ ﭐلْأَرْضِ وَمَغَارِبِ ﭐلْأُفُقِ،
وَكَانَتْ غَابَةُ ﭐلْعِطْرِ
أَلْجَسَدُ – تَسْتَحِمُّ بِالدَّمِ ﭐلْمَجْنُونِ
ﭐلْعَاشِقِ، تَمْتَدُّ إِلَيْكِ يَدُ سَاحِرَةٍ،
تَلْمِسُ رَائِحَةَ ﭐلْجَسَدِ ﭐلطُّفُولِيِّ
ﭐلْمُتَدَفِّقِ بِالْعَبِيرِ،
تُصْبِحِينَ وَرْدَةً…

يَسْتَيْقِظُ ﭐلْعَاشِقُ،
مِنَ ﭐلْحُلْمِ يَهْذِي،
يَرْسُمُ كُلَّ أزَاهِيرِ ﭐلْعَالَمِ،
يَسْتَنْشِقُ ﭐلْعِطْرَ.
كُلُّ زَهْرَةٍ كُلُّ وردةٍ وَلَهَا عِطْرُهَا –
فَوْحُهَا – عَبِيرُهَا – جَمَالُهَا – شَكْلُهَا –
جَوْهَرُهَا – وَقَلْبُهَا ﭐلْعَاشِقُ…

يَسْتَيْقِظُ ﭐلْعَاشِقُ،
مِنَ ﭐلْحُلْمِ يَهْذِي،
تَضِيعِينَ ﭐلْآنَ بَيْنَ ﭐلْخَمَائِلِ…
يَكْسِرُ عُلْبَةَ ﭐلْألْوَانِ وَﭐلْفُرْشَاةَ…
يَبْحَثُ كَالْغَرِيبِ عَنْكِ،
يَرْسُمُ، يَكْتُبُ، فَوْقَ جُذُوعِ ﭐلشَّجَرِ
ﭐلْبَاسِقِ، كَانَتْ هُنَا ﭐلْعَاشِقَةُ،
وَكَانَ ﭐلْعَاشِقُ… وَتَنْتَهِي فُصُولٌ،
وَتُوَلَدُ فُصُولٌ، وَفِي كُلِّ فَصْلٍ
تُعِيدُ ﭐلْأرْضُ رَسُولَ ﭐلْعِشْقِ…






It was the messenger of perfume,
The smell of your body which returned with narcissus,
From the outskirts of the earth
and the sunsets of the horizon,
The forest of perfume was the body –
bathed with the crazy loving blood,
a charming hand extends to you,
Feeling the scent of the childish body,
Flowing with aromas
You become a flower…

The lover wakes up,
Raving from the dream,
Painting all the flowers of the world,
Inhaling perfume.
Every flower, every rose, has its fragrance – Its smell – its aromas –
its beauty – its shape – Its essence –-
and its loving heart…

The lover wakes up,
Raving from the dream,
Now you are getting lost between the amaranths…
He breaks the box of colors and the brush…
Looking for you like a stranger,
Drawing, writing, over the logs of the tall trees,
Here was the lover and the beloved…
Seasons ended and seasons are born,
In each season the earth returns
the messenger of love…

Translated by: Hassan Hegazy Hassan




استعمال المضامين بموجب بند 27 أ لقانون الحقوق الأدبية لسنة 2007. يرجى ارسال ملاحظات لـ akkanet.net@gmail.com
استعمال المضامين بموجب بند 27 أ لقانون الحقوق الأدبية لسنة 2007. يرجى ارسال ملاحظات لـ akkanet.net@gmail.com

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